Photo by Sportfot on Jumper Nation
Horse Shows
If you’re looking to train for competition, Brandon Clinton has the knowledge and enthusiasm to help you succeed.
With years of equine expertise and a true specialization in show jumping, Brandon Clinton’s teaching talent has qualified his clients for highly-esteemed and notable shows all over the globe, including WEF, HITS, and Washington International Horse Show, just to name a few.
Although his passion is in the hunter/jumper discipline, his expertise doesn’t stop there. Brandon spent years developing his experience and gaining equine knowledge in an array of riding disciplines. His proven range of success in working with Grand Prix riders, developing young show prospects, training internationally, and developing qualifying clients has qualified Brandon as an exceptional and reputable industry leader in equine showmanship.
The horse show training programs offered by Brandon Clinton Sport Horses take a thoughtfully-crafted and pragmatic approach, unique to each rider’s individual learning styles and horse’s temperament and conformation.
Brandon’s performance-driven horse show training techniques have been developed and honed over the years. He’s ready to share his passion with you, help you saddle up, and successfully prepare to compete in your next horse show.
Show Day Rates:
Coaching - $75.00/day
Full Service - $125.00/day
Showing Client Horse - $30.00/per class
Bedding, Tack Stall, Trainer Expense - Pro-Rated
(hotel, groom, night watch, etc.)
Braiding - Paid to braider
Shipping - Market Price
Miscellaneous Services:
Mane Pull - $20.00
Show Clip - $45.00
Body Clip - $225.00
Lunging - $25.00
Tack-Up Fee - $25.00
*Price rates are subject to change without notice.
15% Commission on all sales, purchases, leases
Here are the horse show training programs we offer:
Youth Rider Program
Beginner Program
Intermediate Program
Advanced Program